Dave Guerin - Monitor Engineer - May 1994

1 May 1994 Terrorvision
Eurohire Sound And Light - UK - Portsmouth
Mutha's Day Out
2 May 1994
3 May 1994 Terrorvision
Eurohire Sound And Light - UK - Northampton - Roadmenders
Mutha's Day Out
4 May 1994 Mutha's Day Out
Eurohire Sound And Light - UK - Bristol
5 May 1994 Terrorvision
Eurohire Sound And Light - UK - Birmingham
Mutha's Day Out
6 May 1994 Mutha's Day Out
Eurohire Sound And Light - UK - London
7 May 1994 Dobson Sound - UK - Chatsworth - Chatsworth House
8 May 1994 Dobson Sound - UK - Chatsworth - Chatsworth House
9 May 1994 Dobson Sound - UK - Chatsworth - Chatsworth House
10 May 1994 Dobson Sound - UK - Chatsworth - Chatsworth House
11 May 1994 Dobson Sound - UK - Chatsworth - Chatsworth House
12 May 1994 Dobson Sound - UK - Chatsworth - Chatsworth House
13 May 1994 Dobson Sound - UK - Chatsworth - Chatsworth House
14 May 1994 Dobson Sound - UK - Chatsworth - Chatsworth House
15 May 1994
16 May 1994
17 May 1994 Eurohire Sound And Light - UK - Farnborough
18 May 1994 Dobson Sound - UK - London
19 May 1994 Skin
Eurohire Sound And Light - UK - Portsmouth - Pyramid Centre
20 May 1994 Eurohire Sound And Light - UK - Frimley
21 May 1994
22 May 1994
23 May 1994
24 May 1994
25 May 1994 Dobson Sound - UK - London - Science Museum
26 May 1994 Dobson Sound - UK - Woking
27 May 1994
28 May 1994 Eurohire Sound And Light - UK - London
29 May 1994
30 May 1994
31 May 1994 Eurohire Sound And Light - UK - Portsmouth

Dave Guerin www.monitorengineer.co.uk dave@monitorengineer.co.uk +44 7775 511832 +353 867 914746